Featured: Samsung Mobile Arabia tweets about Galaxy Note 2: The possible phablet second coming

A little bird tweeted some really interesting news recently. A little Bird named Samsung Mobile. Samsung Mobile Arabia to be more precise. As this is not a genuine confirmation, it’s a small opportunity of gleaming hope one sees when peering into the vast expanses of the Samsung Galaxy. Which is just to the left of the milky way. Kitty corner really. The tweet from Samsung Mobile Arabias twitter account proceeds to ask us what we are most excited about, and lists off a few different Samsung devices. Among those in the list just so happens to be the Galaxy Note 2. See picture below pulled from a twitter screenshot.

This news definitely doesn’t fall on deaf ears as many eager fans of Galaxy products and all tech geeks alike are salivating over hearing about or reading such news. Information has been of course flying around in blogs for weeks on end about the 2.0 version so to speak of Samsungs monstrous Phone/tablet hybrid device. Like I said before this certainly is by no means a genuine confirmation but it does have a kind of truthful appeal to it. “Galaxy Note 2”. See, it just flows off the tongue and has  a pleasant ring to it.

Not too long ago, the Gulf region was among the first to start selling the Galaxy S III before its official global release so hearing such news from them now about the Note 2 is widely accepted as a credible source. As we can imagine, actual information regarding this device is obviously very well kept under wraps but that isn’t to say that someone couldn’t have sparked some interest on purpose by putting the information out there on one of the world’s most popular social networks. I mean, what better way to get peoples curiosity and interests peaked then to shout from the rooftops about something. And by rooftops I mean sitting in front of your screen connected to the web, and typing away on a twitter board asking for answers to poll questions that include unreleased devices.

As for specs, well those are just rumors as well but just to make your minds salivate a little more I’ll toss those out there for you readers also. It is rumored that the Galaxy Note 2 will come with Android 4.1 Jelly bean. Yes, Jelly Bean. Not ICS. It is also expected that you will be able to play with this device by touching its massive 5.3 inch or maybe even bigger unbreakable display. If its games that you’re excited for on the Note 2, the rumored quad core processor should be able to handle anything you throw at it. Not to mention it might have a bigger battery then the original Galaxy Note for those extended long night gaming sessions. An October release date seems to be the most popular potential date floating around on the web of when we can expect to see this hit shelves, and if such is true, maybe even be lucky enough to get our hands on one.