Sony have anounced the Xperia Miro at the end of their ‘Next Xperia Countdown’ which ended a lot sooner than it was scheduled to. It looks like the company is looking to expand its mid-range offerings with this device. Unfortunately there’s no word on US carriers or a release date as this looks to be a European only device. However, perhaps the regional carriers might pick a variant of this up as it sure looks like it could be a hit with younger and more casual audiences.
The Miro is an Android 4.0 packing handset with a 3.5″ screen and a 5MP camera, this is all that Sony’s saying where the hardware of the phone is concerned but, if you were to ask me I’d say this was going to pack a single-core processor. The device is certainly colourful as you can see and this leads me to believe that it’s aimed at the average user and not power users. Inside is a confirmed build of Android 4.0, alongside Sony’s customisations of course, including a tighter integration with Facebook under the banner of Sony’s “Facebook inside Xperia” initiative.
The integration into Facebook seems to be a trend that many manufacturers seem to be going with. Apple seem intent on bringing Facebook into their OS as do companies like HTC with their One line and the failure that was the HTC ChaCha. It’s perhaps not surprising then, that there’s no phone that has Google+ integration in the same vein or, perhaps Google just make better software than Facebook?
Check out Sony’s own video below:
[Source: Android Central]