Featured: T-Mobile Galaxy Note Photos Leaked

The Galaxy Note may soon see Magenta shelves, as press photos leaked showing the T-Mobile carrier branding are followed by news that At&t’s exclusivity on the device will end soon, with a tentative July 11th release date for T-mobile. No price details are known as of yet but it’s safe to say that they won’t be too far off from the current prices over at At&t. However if T-mobiles prices on the Note are anything like their price differences on the Galaxy S III then we might see the Note for around $300 bucks. T-mobiles version of the Galaxy S III is well known that it will be selling for a significantly higher price then the other carriers are going to offer with contract pricing, so here’s to hoping the same thing doesn’t happen with other Galaxy devices.  At&t sells the Note for $599 at full retail and $249 with a 2-year contract. When and if we see the Galaxy Note make an appearance elsewhere, we can only cross our fingers that prices won’t change.

I know, I know… You’re sick of the rumors that The Galaxy Note will soon adorn some T-Mobile flare, I am too. But as we can clearly see from the images, we won’t have to wait too much longer. For those of you who may not already know, the Note for T-Mobile will support AWS and HSPA+ frequency bands which means god forbid you should have the desire, you can unlock it and it will be compatible with At&t’s network. Even better is that the T-Mo variant of the Note will be running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich out of box which makes the wait fairly worth it.

Not too much more information has been released about this device, and believe me were all just as eagerly awaiting and chomping at the bit to learn more and more about it. Rest assured that when we hear more word on the grapevine from the carrier we will pass it along for you readers out there to digest. Free of charge of course.