Google IO 2012: Keynote Day 1

So Justin and I hit the keynote.

Day 1 was crazy, we started with a lot of what’s new in android. To hit a few hot spots we had

  • Notifications
  • Speech with Google Now
  • Offline Speech
  • Better Google Search

They ran demos of all, notifications are great and now you can get google+ images, better texts and emails and even better phone calling in notifications. I fully expect someone like plume to get better weather up in there too!

Speech was great, they asked it weird questions, like for a picture of a pygmy marmoset and for how tall the space needle was, a NEWER, sexier female voice responded. Offline worked great as well, no issues when the person showing it off hit up airplane mode. This was all part of search as well.

I already talked about project glass in another article, and it was great.

We saw more of the nexus 7 tablet, it finally was revealed and will be running Jelly Bean, I believe they said the Galaxy Nexus we receive will also be getting or have Jelly Bean on it.

We saw the Nexus Q media ball, it was amazing, it runs Android ICS and has great powers, right now I know you and your friends can create play lists using it and also start watching movies and add movies to playlists, this is great unless your friends are jerks! I am very excited for the Q. A person at a demo kiosk (video coming soon on this), showed us that it was hackable and asked me what can’t be done!

Google+ got some love today as well, we all got a Google+ update today and it is great, we got events via desktop, mobile phone and now tablet as well! WOW, it was amazing and events are fun, I have already setup two hangouts for the site. I can see massive potential.

There was much MUCH more that Justin will cover in a BIG BIBLE POST! Keep it posted here for more IO news, also our G+ page found here and MY G+ page found here will get weird and random updates as well.