Featured: T-Mobile Galaxy Note Clears FCC, Demo Units On the Way

All those out there that have been pining for your own Tmobile  branded Galaxy Note to show up on store shelves, can finally rest easy as we have just learned that the Galaxy Note for T-mobile has cleared the FCC. Now you can stop wishing to be just like your friends who use At&t just cause they have the 5.3 in. Galaxy behemoth of a phone. Sure, sure, there has been some talk of this coming to Big magenta for a little while now and there have even been a few photo leaks, so this might not surprise some of you but to me this FCC stamp of approval says “OFFICIAL”.  So now would be high time to start getting excited. I will resist the opportunity to insert a Schwarzenegger joke here and just move on. Just like you’d expect, the phone will support voice and 2G data coverage on the 850MHz and 1900 MHz bands. And 3G will find its home among the 1700MHz band. 3G will also be usable on 1900MHz. The device is listed to also support 3G data on the 850MHz band as well although T-mobile doesn’t use this capability at the time. All of this was reportedly found on the FCC certification paperwork which also state that there is an NFC antenna on the battery cover. You all know what that means.

It’s possible for the Note to land on T-mobile  as soon as July 11th. Which would definitely be the smart thing to do if they want to keep all eyes focused on the Galaxy S III for a few weeks. (The galaxy s III releases on T-mobile store shelves June 21st.) An early introduction in July wouldn’t be so bad of a timeframe, given that it’s still early summer, and is only about a month away. IF this is true then those of you just dying to have a screen that’s larger than life might just get an early summer treat. According to TMO news, promotional device materials as well as some of the dummy phones and store demos of the Note have already started to arrive at some of the retail locations around the US so we should expect it to be releasing before long.

Usually stores don’t get the demos way in advance before a launch so this is a good sign that we will see it pop up just around the corner. Hopefully. Although I must say I’m holding out for the Galaxy S III myself. It just seems to be the perfect size. Not too big, not too small, but just right. I will be a naysayer here for a moment and exercise my opinion of the fact that 5.3 inches for a phone screen is just really too big. Sure it’d be nice for the added usability of that stylus but I just can’t get over holding it to my ear to have a conversation. Of course I also don’t have giant hands like Paul Bunyan. That is to say if Paul Bunyan was actually real and wasn’t an iphone fan boy. He just strikes me as a hipster. What do you guys out there think? Will you finally rejoice with your new Galaxy Note in hand or pick up the smaller more sleek Galaxy S III?