Asus Nexus 7, Amazing New Tablet

I was of course one of the recipients of the nexus 7 at Google io. I am very excited to have it and have been playing with it for quite a few days now, since Wednesday June 27 2012. I did not get it until 4:30 pm and even then, I did not get it fully up and working until an hour or so later, I was in an android session and finally got it working. My user name and password were inserted and everything was loaded. I got so many questions of “hey how is it” and “what is your favorite part”. Most people I told that I did not know. The others I told I was unsure. It was all true, I had no idea. I just barely set it up and I definitely could not just start shouting things into Google Now. The UI was mostly the same and I could not find any major differences, I knew it was faster, just based on what they told me. I also know that it was slightly different, I could see the clear white search bar was different.

Now I have owned it for a while, as this article goes it is Saturday June 30th and I have been loving it. It is surely a top of the market tablet. Not much compares. I even told someone it was my favorite tablet I have ever held. That includes all I have used on the site. The tablet is sweet, yeah the UI is not much different than ICS, but it is million little things that makes it better. Connecting to the Nexus Q and using NFC with my nexus S, NFC and Bluetooth make a better connection on Jelly Bean, also the UI is smoother from the “butter” enhancements they have created.

Google Now is surely my favorite feature. Having something that knows my day to day is great, it really is like an assistant of sorts. It is no wonder they called it Google Assistant, Google Now is indeed a better name. I like that it knows my schedule from maps, it knows when I have events and it knows when traffic is worse to some of my favorite places, plus the voice search is much better inside of Google Now and over all is better. Searching for something like Kobe Bryants Height brings up a card from the knowledge base and a great sounding voice, not really robotic at all!
