Featured: Android Headlines Show / Podcast Episode #2 – Nexus 7, #@*! Apple , Amazon Phone and More!

This week’s Android Headlines Show digs deep into the Nexus 7  with talks about the pricing,hardware, competition,patents and it’s effect on other OEM’s. We also go into a rant about our Evil Empire Apple and their frivolous Patent suits, The HTC Incredible 4G LTE and our weekly test of the Google Now feature and more. We also go a little crazy and are doing some great giveaways, so make sure to tune in to win.

We are finally starting to get the hang of hangouts and using them as our podcast so please excuse any little hiccups we have although small, we are improving on them weekly.If you have any comments, questions or feedback feel free to post it below! As well if you have an android related question , post it in the comment section and we will get to next week! Hope you enjoy the show! If not well too bad! ha,ha

P.S.  Thank you to the near 12,000 viewers of last weeks show and the great feedback and messages!

P.S.S. There is no love for Apple this week, please excuse our language but nothing get’s us going more than Apple and the B.S.

P.S.S.S.  #@*! Apple