Featured: Android Now Takes Almost 52% Of US Smartphone Market

Android, with it’s many flavors, sizes, and manufacturers to choose from, is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Nielsen, a marketing and advertising research company, released stats regarding US smartphone market share in the second quarter and who has what. Here’s the results as follows…

  • Android, which accounts for all manufacturers – 51.8%
  • iOS, iPhone only of course – 34%
  • RIM, maker of BlackBerry – 9%
  • Windows Mobile – 3%
  • Windows Phone 7 – 1.3%
  • Symbian – 0.9%
  • Palm/WebOS – 0.6%

Although Android remains over 50% market share here in the states, that could always change considering that the iPhone 5 is set to launch this fall and could and definitely will increase Apple’s market share. We’ve seen this trend as of late where Android will gain market share through most of the year and come time for a new iPhone, Apple will receive a nice jump. That’s because while there are multiple devices from multiple manufacturers released every year running Android, there is only one iPhone.

Windows Phone continues to have an uphill battle, just barely taking over 1% of the market. Being that BlackBerry use continues to decrease as time goes on, they’ve got an opportunity to take some of that market share away from them. Or Android will. Or iOS. RIM has taken a big hit thanks to their lack of innovation and poor leadership. Sad really to see what was once the smartphone leader now be the smartphone loser.