Featured: Early Adopters of Dead Trigger getting Rewarded in next update

The developer of Dead Trigger, Madfinger games, has been a hot topic for the last week or so. It all started in their first update to the game, to version 1.1.0, they dropped the price of the game from $0.99 to free. Some people who bought the game were a little upset, but it’s not like they paid six bucks for a now free game, others looked at it as a way to support the developer of a great game.

Yesterday, another update to Dead Trigger was pushed into the Google Play Store, and yes it’s still free. But something not many people noticed, is that in the news section on the game (page 9 specifically) the game is telling us that whoever bought Dead Trigger will be rewarded in the next update. But they aren’t saying what exactly the reward is. Perhaps we’ll get some free stuff that usually comes from in-app purchases? We could speculate about this all day long, but we’ll just have to wait patiently for the next update from Madfinger.

Were you one of the early adopters that paid $0.99 for this app? Do you regret paying the $0.99 for it? I know I don’t mind paying a buck for such a great game like Dead Trigger, I mean the developers need to eat and support their families too, right? Looking for more Dead Trigger goodness? Make sure you read Justin’s write up on Dead Trigger, Android Headline’s Game of the week, this week.

[Source: Phandroid]