Featured: Germany See The Light, Apple Denied ban for Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab

Are we ever going to see the end of these patent wars? These ongoing and grueling law suits all over the world between Apple and Samsung look as if they’re going to take a long time to fizzle out. Recently, there were proceeding in A Dusseldorf court that Apple call out Samsung on their design of the Galaxy Tab 7.7 which resulted in a ban of the device however, Samsung’s flagship tablet the Tab 10.1N, specifically redesigned for those neck of the woods survived. There was no ban granted upon the Tab 10.1N due to design.

Now however, Apple were looking to Munich to secure a ban on the Galaxy Nexus and the Tab 10.1N, this time not for design IP but for, a patent of Apple’s that relates to “list scrolling and document translation, scaling, and rotation on a touch-screen display”. This patent however, was deemed invalid in Dusseldorf high-court earlier on in the year and the court also stated that there were “clear differences” between the iPad and the Galaxy Tab 10.1N. I don’t think you’d need to be a member of high-court to figure that one out but, the important thing here is that the Tab 10.1N as well as the Galaxy Nexus are safe for sale.

That’s right Apple, the Galaxy Nexus and the Tab 10.1N are cleared for sale, not what you want to hear is it? Is it me or has anybody else noticed it’s only Samsung tablets and phones running Android Apple seem hell-bent to get rid of? Oh, you all noticed? More on that another time perhaps!