Samsung is in the midst of their Galaxy S III launch and announced several new features with the smartphone. One of those features was S Voice which is very similar to Siri and allows you to ask your phone questions as well as actions such as setting an alarm, new event in calendar, and so on. Another service launched today is S Health, an app that helps you keep better track of, well, you guessed it: Your health.
The app helps you monitor your blood sugar (ideally for diabetics), your weight, blood pressure, and is able to graph all three to give you a glance at how you’re doing and maybe what you can improve upon. Obviously you can’t prick your finger and give blood to the Galaxy S III, though that might be coming in the zombie apocalypse version. Nor can you stand on your phone without it shattering into oblivion.
Sillyness aside, the app is compatible with a number of different sensors found in blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, and scales.
This health data is transferred to the Galaxy S 3 through the use of bluetooth or tethered via USB. Anytime you can make monitoring your health easier and more efficient, the better. Most people fail to maintain their goals and stop pushing forward because they don’t have a good way of tracking their progress. S Health brings everything front and center with the device you use the most, your smartphone.
Currently, S Health is only available for download in the UK.