Featured: Samsung's Galaxy SIII To Get Jelly Bean in Q4?

I think by now, as Android aficionados we know how things are more than likely to go down when it comes to updates and the such. So when Jelly Bean was unveiled in its tasty glory at last week’s Google I/O there’s of course going to be a lot of speculation as to when devices are going to see the latest and greatest. If you’re lucky enough to own a Galaxy Nexus then you’re privy to an early build and those with a Nexus S and/or a Motorola XOOM will be getting it towards the middle of the month but, what about others?

There’s been no word from the other OEMs on that front but, there’s always going to be rumors aren’t there. The Galaxy SIII is no different and as such, the Eastern Morning Herald has been reporting that the phone could well see an update to Jelly Bean 4.1 in Q4 of the year. Now, Q4 is of course, a little vague and could mean anything from the beginning of September to the end of December so, even that in itself is a large gap of time.

It’d certainly be a good move for Samsung to release an update fairly snappily, showing the rest of the field that they can in fact push out updates better than they have done in the past. Of course, whatever bag of Jelly Beans the Galaxy SIII does get will be flavoured with TouchWiz beans but, that’s better than no Jelly Beans at all, right? Right?