Featured: Top 10 Best Apps for The Nexus 7 Tablet

Here at Android Headlines, we like to keep you in the loop not only when in comes to the most important news but, also when it comes down to apps and games. We know that out there in the wild of the Play Store, good apps and good games are often hard to come by. In some respects the Play Store is like an Indiana Jones movie – you think of got the treasure but, you’ve really just set off some ancient trap that’s about to kill you. Have no fear because, just as we did with games and the Nexus 7 we’re going to go through what we think are the Top 10 Apps for the Nexus 7.

10. Astrid Task Manager

If, like me you’re somebody that’s going to be using your tablet as an aid to productivity then you really need to get your hands on Astrid. Tasks, along with our alarmingly high urge of not wanting to do them, are frustrating as hell but, with the right help you can really cut down on your procrastination. I love Astrid and I’ve been using it for a long time, it has a feature rich tablet interface that makes it stand out on HD displays, like the one in the Nexus. Being able to type tasks etc into the web app using your Google account and then having these sync back to the app is fantastic. Also, if you’re that extra bit lazy, Astrid will buzz and set off alarms to let you know that you need to get a task done.

Play Store Link

9. Flipboard

The popular iOS app sure took some time to get to Android and when it did it was exclusively for Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Sammy’s exclusive windows on the app didn’t last all that long and so now we’re all able to enjoy the app. If you’re looking for an app heavy on unique style then you’ve come to the right place, this app is a great way to literally, flick through your news in style then this is it. A fantastic app for those looking for a simple news reader,

Play Store Link

8. Plume for Twitter

I’m a big fan of Twitter on the whole and, whilst I have next to no followers (I welcome you all to follow me), I stil enjoy it but, what I don’t enjoy is the poor apps that go along with it on Android. The official Twitter app is a joke on anything other than a smartphone and even then it’s pretty poor but, whilst Twitter don’t see the value in Android, the developers of Plume certainly do. The tablet interface of Plume has a nice theme and simply makes the most of your real estate, it’s feature rich as well, with a built-in browser for links as well as quick buttons for hash tags and the like. It’s a great app and if you like to tweet a lot you’ll not be disappointed.

Play Store Link

7. Evernote

Having such a powerful device such as the Nexus 7 that can practically fit into a pocket can become a boon for productivity. Evernote has been around for a long time and I’m sure a number of you have it installed on your phones right now but, it really comes to life when on a tablet. Thanks to the Nexus’ brilliant screen, taking notes and looking through them is brilliant with Evernote with a slick grid layout you should never forget anything ever again. Except maybe to put the note into Evernote in the first place.

Play Store Link

6. Pulse News

Pulse is a great app that gets you the news you care about in brilliant fashion. It can tie-in to your Google account or you can pick from the many lists that Pulse themselves have put together. It’s easy to put your own hand-picked catalogue of sources together and it makes looking at the latest news less of a chore than it needs to be. It’s got a great interface and looks brilliant on the Nexus’ screen.

Play Store Link

5. Netflix

Again, the Play Store does this sort of thing but, if you already pay for Netflix monthly then you may as well put that IPS display in the 7 to good use. To be able to stream movies, TV shows and Documentaries wherever you can find WiFi makes the Nexus a fantastic media center and seeing as Netflix have been around for a lot longer the catalogue should be bigger and have more of what you like in there as well. The app itself is good and provides a pleasant watching experience in good quality – depending on your connection, of course.

Play Store Link

4. Google Drive

I’ve been using cloud storage for quite some time now and I have to say, of all the services I’ve used, Drive has to be one of the best. There’s nothing too spectacular about itsintegrations outside of Android but, it’s so much more than the free 5GB that you get. There are Docs, Spreadsheets et all available to you with Google Drive and let me tell you, as a long time user of Google Docs, having a centralised place for all these things is awesome. Dropbox is good but, what do open that word document in? Exactly. Drive does all of this for you, offers you more free spice and a fantastic Android app to boot. A definite must-install.

Play Store Link

3. Pandora

Let’s face it, with a 7″ tablet like this, you’re going to be taking this everywhere, even if it’s just around the house. Thanks to the Nexus’ perfect size it’s great to throw around the house and prop up everywhere making it the perfect radio, no? A lot of you guys already have Pandora up and running so you’ll know what the deal here is but, that won’t stop you from you enjoying the app on your new tablet.

Play Store Link

2. Skype

You’re more than likely sat there thinking why Skype has such a high-ranking on this list, well, I’ll tell you. For all of the powerful games you’re going to play on this thing, the best thing you might do with the Nexus 7 is sit down with it and place a call to a relative faraway or a friend abroad, whatever it may be but, Skype is the best way to do this without any hassle and the chances are, even your Grandma has Skype.

Play Store Link


1. Pocket

I’m not afraid to say it, I’m in love with this app. It’s fantastic, it makes reading long articles on the Internet fun again. There’s a whole host of editorial content you’ll find throughout the web, some of it here from Android Headlines and with Pocket, these longer articles are easier to read. It strips out all of that website hassle and gives you the text, in a number of fonts and display styles. It also stores articles for you to read later just like a…pocket. An excellent app, especially a tablet so light and so vivid.

Play Store Link

If you’re interested in how to have more fun with your Nexus 7 then be sure to check out our Top 10 Nexus 7 Games here.