Featured Android Game of the Week: Oscura

Hey guys, it’s that time again. Yep. I’m talking about the Game of the Week. Not a gamer? Well… you will be. Give it time. A seasoned vet? Good. You’ll probably love this week’s pick. This week’s game will cater to everybody, but will undoubtedly hold a special place in the hearts of Limbo fans and platform puzzler lovers alike. Guessed the game yet? Its Oscura! Yea. This game is pretty much as close to Limbo on android as we can get, but don’t let the fact that its following a little bit in the wake of Limbo’s footsteps deter you. It is holding its own. A dash of Limbo,

Straight from MTV networks comes Oscura. In the true style and fashion of Limbo, you’ll be playing through puzzling worlds of traps, monsters and scary things, while trying to figure out how to make it to the end of the level without being stopped by evil dark creatures and the sinister terrain of the landscape. Oscura is played from a side scrolling 2-D view, but also rendered with a 3-D style and  most of the levels and games characters displayed only by their silhouettes. This alone got me hooked as I immediately thought of Limbo, the cool thing is that Oscura has added color to the mix. So you take Limbo and add the beautiful look of the lush colors and you get a totally different experience. Throughout the game, you will be playing as Oscura, who was tasked with preserving the light ray that is cast across the land. The light keeps the dark creatures at bay, and the light has suddenly run out. You must run, jump, dodge, and evade all the evil throughout the land, while collecting the light shards to restore the light crystal to the lighthouse outpost.

The game has a variety of challenges and adds a hint of dramatic storyline to a gothic setting. As you start the game off you’ll notice right away that the game does a very good job at teaching how to play and use the controls. Oscura is a masterful blend of gameplay, story, graphics, soundtrack and puzzling challenges to keep you wanting more and more. Throughout the game you will have to avoid death from the evil that lurks about, while you roam the lands trying to pick up all the light shards you possibly can. You will also have to pick up these little cog wheels that are hidden throughout each level to attain a higher score. Pick up all the light shards, cog wheels and make it to the end of the level and you will progress with a perfect score of four stars. The ease of play is definitely there once you get the hang of Oscura’s controls, but sometimes you just won’t quite fast enough to get out-of-the-way of monsters. The edge, is that you can slow time with one single swipe across the screen, thus allowing you to make it out of harm’s way just in time. You do have a limit on your time-lapse ability though, so use it wisely.

The final opinion: Definitely a game I would recommend to anyone who is a fan of platformers. If you liked Limbo, you will certainly enjoy this lovely little gem. My only complaints about this game, is that it has no achievements which would have been awesome, and it is kinda short. 12 chapters in all. Hopefully we will MTV Networks send out an update with more levels and possibly some unlockables of some kind.  For a limited time you can run and pick up Oscura for a mere $.99 in the play store. Well worth the fun you’ll have. It is supposed to raise to the price of $1.99 though so grab this deal while you can.


Oscura: Play Store link