Featured: Automate With NFC and Android


A while back I was able to receive some NFC tags, one of the companies that graciously said yes was TagsForDroid. They were happy to send me quite a few cool tags, they included a few keychains and a couple quarter sized tags with Andy the android printed on them, they ended up being quite cool. I found the stickers they sent most usable. The stickers made it so I could do a number of things including set a tag that made it so when my phone was on it (and unlocked) I could make sure the volume was muted, if i wanted to I could even set that tag to make sure my alarms were on! Quite cool.

I have one in my car for google music, now if I can just get some kind of bluetooth system going in my car! I have one in my house in the tv to make sure Bluetooth is on for the nexus q! There are many different good reasons for these, the keychain is great, it can be programmed into multiple different things, it can be programmed and reprogrammed. All the tags can really but the keychain or the circular tags are best for it. You can have them be repurposed, say you just need it for a week and you don’t want to stick it to anything in your house, or even better if you want it at work!

NFC is not just for mobile payments like everyone talks about, if you just aren’t comfortable doing that, there are NFC tags at TagsForDroid.com and they are ready to be bought and come to you blank. I have been enjoying these, think of all the different purposes, maybe write some in that you have done in the comments section.

I just recently found out that TagsForDroid will be adding stickers to the orders they send out. Find the stickers in the gallery below

2 tags + 1 free keychain
5 tags + 1 free keychain + 1 sticker sheet
10 tags + 1 free keychain + 1 sticker sheet
20 tags + 1 free keychain + 2 sticker sheet