Featured: CM9 becomes stable on the GSM Galaxy Nexus, Next up CM10

The GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus has its first stable release of CyanogenMod 9. I know you’re probably wondering why they are still working heavily on CM 9 (Ice Cream Sandwich) instead of CM 10 (JellyBean), since more Android users want the latest and greatest version of Android. Well the Cyanogenmod team is currently working on both CM 9 and CM 10, and coming along pretty quickly on CM 10 with some pretty stable nightlies. This morning, version 9.0.0 of Cyanogenmod for the GSM Galaxy Nexus popped up over on Cyanogenmod’s download page ready for you to flash it. It weighs in at about 137mb.

For those of you that don’t know what Cyanogenmod is, let’s take a moment and explain it to you. Cyanogenmod is a custom ROM that gives you a completely stock Android experience with some welcome customizations and a theme chooser, which you can download themes from the Google Play Store or from XDA. Some of those customizations include slider shortcuts, showing the weather and your calendar on the lock screen. Some nice additions to the notification drawer, including toggles for Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, LTE, and more. These are just a few of the customizations that CM offers in their ROM’s.

If you have already gotten the Over-The-Air update from Google on your Galaxy Nexus to Jelly Bean, I definitely do not recommend installing this stable release of Cyanogenmod 9. It’ll seem like a downgrade since you’re essentially going from Jelly Bean to Ice Cream Sandwich.

Currently I’m running Cyanogenmod 10 on my Galaxy Nexus and it’s pretty stable, haven’t had any problems. Is anyone still running CM 9? Have you tried the stable release yet? If you haven’t already downloaded it, you can hit the source link below and get it. Let us know how it’s working for you if you decide to flash it.

[Source: Cyanogenmod]