The guys over at Cruzerlite are doing a pretty good job of catering to those of us that like to live life on the other side of the bridge, the side where having to flash a boot.img before a ROM are commonplace and the odd random reboot doesn’t scare us. For a long time now, Cruzerlite have been providing the community with fantastic cases inspired by Android as well Android Open Kang Project, which we all know and love as AOKP.
This time around, Cruzerlite are readying themselves to bring us T-Shirts with designs inspired by the AOKP which are sure to go down like a treat with the ROM community and will make a fantastic present for a friend of yours that loves that sort of stuff. The designs themselves are from a fellow called Tha PHLASH who you might know as the genius behind Tha Icon, the one place to go if you’re looking for quality, unique Icons for Android. The shirts retail for $35 but for that price you’re not just getting a T-Shirt, you’ll be getting a free AOKP icon pack as well as sending $2 to Team Kang’s Development Fund.
It’s awesome to see Cruzerlite not only further their support for the community but to do so with some truly awesome designs! Be sure to order yours now!
You can find Cruzerlite’s AOKP cases , Series One Tees and these new Tees right here.