“Damn it’s a slow work day, well… time to break out the ole’ tablet and play some Crysis.” I wish.. but the possibility may not be that far off. At least Crytek seems to think so. Crytek is the developer studio behind the popular FPS series Crysis which was first released back in 2007. For those that don’t know, the Crysis games are very well known for their amazing, yet ridiculously needy graphics engine. What I mean by that is the graphics are by far the best I have ever seen on a game and require a very powerful set of performance equipment to play at the highest of visuals. Crysis 2 pushed that evelope even further. I run that at full ultra quality on my laptop and its purely shocking how real it feels while playing. This being said, I have plenty of video RAM and a fantastice graphics card and processor inside my laptop to make this possible. Even with all this, the smoothness of the game running at that capacity could still be more like butter and look a little more impressive. Crytek’s games undoubtedly need a lot of power to play the games at even at minimal requirements for it to be enjoyable. So the idea that they believe tablets could soon be the driving force or first thought when it comes to a gamers choice to pick up a controller and play is quite simply put, astounding.
Graphics hardware is rapidly evolving and continues to do so at such a fast pace that it won be too long before we see the possibility of mobile games with graphics that are better than those of their console brothers and sisters back at home. Even some of the lowest end high performance graphics hardware inside tablets today come very close to surpassing the graphics that run on current generation consoles. We all know that next gen consoles are not necessarily close to release. Theres talk of a PS4, and whatever the next gen xbox will be, but that’s relatively it. This is precisely why Crytek thinks that tablets will possibly soon surpass consoles for the top spot of gaming vessels. Here’s what Crytek had to say regarding the whole situation.
We can’t comment on or even speculate as to when, or if, the next generation will be announced. But we think that it’s time for the next generation and we think that it’s overdue already. The current generations are drying out and the longer we wait for the next generation of consoles, the higher the likelihood that they could fall behind tablets in terms of being the first thing people reach for when the time comes to play games. Tablets are putting pressure on the gaming industry, and taking over in some ways, so that should be kept in mind. – Crytek founder Cevat Yerli.
This statement makes perfect sense. To me at least. Minus my laptop, which I use on a daily basis, I already reach for my tablet or tablets when I want to play a game more than I reach for my 360 controller. I can take the games anywhere, and the graphics are downright amazing and the plotlines and gameplay are increasing getting better and better. The last time I played xbox was weeks ago. The last time I played a game on my tablet or phone was today. Not only the gaming industry changing at as rapid a pace as the hardware behind the games themselves, but so are the ways that people want to play them. If Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo want to catch up to mobile gaming, they need to do so and do it fast. With games like Bladeslinger, Horn by Phosphor games and the possibility of Tomonobu Itagaki’s next gen shooter Devils third slated for releases this year and the beginning of next, mobile gaming is already right n the heels of the console giants. Now let’s talk about the possibility of Crysis on my nexus 7 tablet. First, yes. I’d play it religiously. Second, Crytek is hopefully thinking about this or already making moves to port this game over to android.