Featured: Galaxy SIII Sales Rocketed After Trial Verdict; Sorry Apple

By this point we’ve all probably heard enough on the Apple v Samsung trial but its certainly beginning to look like Samsung might just fare better than everyone thought that might. I’m of the opinion that Apple have lost more than they have gained here but there are some interesting sales figures floating around that might confirm what a lot of us were thinking. That, aside from the obscene $1 billion damages fee, Samsugn will be just fine after this trial.

Trip Chowdhry – MD of equity research at Global Equities Research –  decided to undertake some research on sales of Samsung’s latest device after the Verdict of the trial. What he found was that customers “rushed” to get their hands on the Galaxy SIII following the verdict. Of a sample of three Costco stores, it was found that two out of three stores were completely sold out of the AT&T version as well as five AT&T stores experiencing “significant sales” of the device that were ahead of the iPhone 4s. Whilst these figures are hardly earth shattering or all that substantial it’s becoming clear that the everyman walking the streets has started to believe Samsung to be just as good as Apple – but for less. Who’s to blame them? Let’s face it, if Samsung weren’t as good or better than them, Apple wouldn’t have spent all this time and money suing them in national court now, would they?

It’s no surprise that the general consumer will begin to look to Samsung for cheap, quality products because, when you think about it that’s exactly what they are. Good quality products packing the same power and, often more functionality for less than what Apple are charging. All Apple have done is let the whole nation in on it.