Featured: International Samsung Galaxy S3 to get Helping of Jelly Beans in Coming Week

Whilst many of you in the states will read the title and think “Oooh, Jelly Bean! Oh no, wait…” it’s still good to see Samsung pull a fast turnaround when it comes to updates like this. It’s been revealed over at Android Central that the Internation Variant (read:  as Samsung intended it to be) of the Galaxy S3 will receive its update to Jelly Bean only days after the fast approaching August 29th Mobile Unpacked event. There’s is no information on when the update will be making its way to the States and that’s more than likely down to the differing hardware, the International Variants packing Sammy’s own Exynos chip, whilst having to rely on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chip in the States. The fact that Samsung happen to make the chip inside the international version of the phone will more than likely help when it comes to updates.

As well as the most welcome update to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean there are also going to be a couple of additions to the Touchwiz layer on top of it all. With what’s being called an “easy mode” added to the launcher to make those widgets and icons easier to move around and a “dormant mode” for better handling of notifications. Exactly what this “dormant mode” entails is something we’ll have to wait and see on but, I’m sure we’ll not have long to wait.

Samsung have done a good job with such quick turnaround to a Jelly Bean update for a phone that was released in May and Android 4.1 released in July so, an early September or late August roll-out is not only their personal best for an update but, they’ve beaten all other manufacturers to it. Including HTC, whose One series landed on shelves some time before Samsung’s latest. Well done Samsung now, get cracking with those S4 builds for the States!

[Source: Android Central]