The jury may have had their say against Samsung in court – which they found they did infringe and wilfully, across numerous devices – but it looks like the two parties will be hitting court again soon. Judge Koh – the infamous, Judge Koh – has now scheduled hearings for Spetember 20th and again for December 6th. Next month’s hearing will be for Samsung to try and overturn the injunction on the Galaxy Tab 10.1, since it has been found to not infringe upon Apple’s design or software design patents for their iPad. I think even Judge Koh would be able to see sense and overturn such a ban after the decision the Jury reached in such a high-profile court case. As well as this, December’s hearing is for Apple to try their hand at banning eight Samsung phones. Whilst this sounds like a large number of phones not a lot of these are on sale right now, a handful are still available on carriers – such as the Droid Charge – but, by and large I don’t see how this would affect Samsung after all, they’re not trying to ban the Galaxy SIII now are they?
One of the biggest tech trials may be over but now is the time when hearings and appeals will be held from here on. If anything, these seem to be going in favour of Samsung. Apple are the ones who’ve had their laundry aired in public and you just know that Apple can’t be happy with this. Having to wait until the beginning of December, one of the biggest shopping months of the year, to get old Samsung phones off of shelves can do nothing but please the Korean company. How this is going to help Apple I really can’t see, it’s just going to drive those looking for an Android phone to newer, more expensive Samsung phones when they do their Holiday shopping. Thanks Apple.