When it comes to games on mobile, you will almost undoubtedly think of Gameloft first. They have been a big player in the mobile gaming world for years and started using java based games for older basic phone type models. They have come a long way since then with games in HD and 3D like the dungeon hunter series, numerous blockbuster game and movie title based games and of course N.O.V.A. 3. Well most recently they have leaked an image that shows some artwork for their upcoming new game that will be ran off the newest Unreal Engine. You heard that right, Unreal Engine. Gameloft and Unreal. Totally… Unreal.. right? While we do know the graphics engine the game will be powered by we don’t know much else. Gameloft has decided to keep things rather hush hush about this whole job.
They teased this new game via their Facebook. Which seems to be a popular place to post about upcoming game titles and updates for many game developer studios now a days. MADFINGER is notorious for posting about their new stuff on face book and twitter, and it works to get the information out to their fan base. So why wouldn’t Gameloft do the same? Even though Gameloft has kept things on the down low we do know that Unreal Engine games are extremely impressive graphically and among the best. The entire Infinity Blade series on iOS runs on Unreal as does Square Enix’s new and intriguing rhythm based action RPG called Demon’s Score. If any of you have played any of the Infinity Blade games or seen some screenshots from Demon’s Score, you know how good the visuals are.
Now the only thing that Gameloft needs to work a little better on is who they choose to work on the storyline aspect. Some of their titles in my personal opinion have been to say the least, lacking of imagination. Their best one yet has been N.O.V.A. 3., which was actually quite good. Here’s to hoping they can repeat the same type of quality with this new title. Now while the artwork above is the only piece of information to be found anywhere about this new unannounced game, keep watching Gameloft’s Facebook and like them if you want updates and to be able to view anything on this new title. Also, word on the street is there is a hidden detail inside the artwork. Know what it is? Or think you can figure it out? Let us know if you do.