Featured: New Official Nexus 7 accessories are Coming

So it’s been a couple weeks since the nexus 7 has been out for purchase. I’ve had mine a bit longer, since the I/O2012 conference. However you received yours, chances are you may still not have any accessories for it. This is because the official Nexus accessories are pretty much null. The only thing available thus far is the TPU case that you can buy in the play store. On a side note, I just received my ASUS/Nexus official case a couple days ago and I love mine, although I am itching for a variety of options, or at the very least one other case that I can use as a kickstand. If many of you users out there have been patiently waiting for a larger selection to choose from then you’ll be happy to know that more accessories are on their way. According to a retailer called “Mobile Fun”, ASUS is making five more accessories for the nexus 7 tablet (which they also make for those who are unaware, but I can’t imagine most of you don’t already know that.) So what are these new accessories to complement the use of your new tablet? Word on the grapevine is that Asus will be making essentially 4 different cases, and a screen protector.

The cases will come in four different variations, all which I like to think will be catering to the way the user specifically uses his or her tablet. The first up is the rotating stand case, which will give you the option to prop the tablet up for viewing in either landscape or portrait mode. You can expect to pick this case up for around £27.95 or $44. Next is the regular stand case that will allow for propping the tablet in up landscape mode only. If this is your thing then you should be able to pick it up for about £22.95 or $36. The third case is a Folio case. The folio case will open like a book and will be the First official case made by ASUS that will utilize the tablets magnetic sensor to power on and off the display, which should prove very useful for those who use the tablet for reading and web browsing. Not so much for your gaming sessions. A couple weeks back, users had taken to the web and to YouTube showing off the discovery of the magnetic sensor that was built-in the tablet. Pretty cool find and I’m glad to see ASUS taking advantage of this by making a case that will harness its capability. I like my TPU case a lot, but sometimes I’m finding myself forgetting to hit the power button real quick to put the screen to sleep. The folio case should cost you £39.99 or about $62. Seems kinda steep, but if you value the magnetic sensor this may be right up your alley. I’m inclined to tell you though that you could totally mock-up the use of the magnetic sensor for about $30 bucks or less as illustrated by my man Alexander Maxham. Thanks for this post by the way Alex. Love the idea. Lastly on the case side of things will be the Bluetooth keyboard case. For those of you out there who just despise or otherwise prefer to type on a real keyboard, or perhaps use this device for work in some way, might appreciate this little gem. The Bluetooth keyboard case will set you back £79.95 or around $125. The last accessory in all is the screen protector I talked about in the beginning, which you should expect to drop £14.95