Featured: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wifi Owners Rejoice as Ice Cream Sandwich Finally rolls out

This morning owners of the Samsung Galaxy 10.1, Wifi only, woke up to some exciting news. Finally Samsung has pushed out the update to Android 4.0.4 – Ice Cream Sandwich. Yeah it’s a bit late, but we all know the saying “better late than never” right? What would have made these tab owners even more happy is to skip ICS altogether and go straight to Jelly Bean.

Of course the update isn’t just Ice Cream Sandwich, it brings with it a new version of Touchwiz. Which some of us love and others dislike with a passion! The update is about 254mb. Some more great news is that it looks like you don’t need to use Kies to update your tablet. You have the option of using Kies or doing the update OTA. I’m willing to bet most people will just do the OTA, since we all know how bad Kies software is.

For those interested, the build number is IMM76D. According to Sammobile, that isn’t the end of updates to ICS for Samsung’s tablets. We’ll also be seeing the Galaxy Tab Plus 7.0, Galaxy Tab 7.7, and Galaxy Tab 8.9. Both the Wifi and 3G versions of these tablets should be seeing upgrades to Android 4.0.4 very soon.

So who has updated their tablet to Ice Cream Sandwich? How’s the latest version of Touchwiz treating you? While the update is not Jelly Bean, it’s still a step in the right direction from Samsung. To the owners of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 wifi, have fun with Ice Cream Sandwich, it’s probably the biggest update we’ve seen in Android to date.

[Source: Sammobile]