Featured: Settlement talks between Apple and Samsung CEO's one last time before trial goes to the jury

This is probably the biggest trial in the tech world to date. And if you have no idea what we are talking about, where have you been? Apple has been out here suing everyone of their competitors, from the temporary injunction they received on HTC products back in April when the EVO LTE was launching on Sprint. Now Apple  is suing Samsung for copying the iPhone. Now the CEO’s of Samsung and Apple, Kwon Oh Hyun and Tim Cook (respectively) are trying one last time to propose a settlement before the trial goes to the jury.

All of the previous attempts at a settlement have been hindered by Apple’s demand for such high royalties, mixed with Samsung’s strong belief that the patents in question are not as valuable as the fruit company believes. If no settlement is reached, the trial will be sent to the jury on Wednesday. It’s still possible that a deal could be reached at a later point. That would likely involve settlements in other Apple vs. Samsung cases around the globe.

But don’t forget, Apple isn’t just on the offense now. As we reported on Friday, Motorola is seeking an injunction to get many of Apple’s products banned, because they violate some of Google/Motorola’s patents. Which include the iPhone, iPad, and various Macintosh computers.

Who else is tired of all this patent stuff?

[Source: Bloomberg]