Featured: Three Samsung Phones Thrown Out Of Apple Patent Fight

Samsung and Apple are still in court and things are just heating up. Apple isn’t wanting to take no for an answer and Samsung has had to do quite a bit of defending to try and keep the ball rolling towards a not guilty verdict. Fortunately for the South Korean company, they had some good news today in their court case.

Judge Lucy Koh has thrown out three of their phones that Apple claims to be infringing their patents. Those phones are the Galaxy S i9000, Galaxy S II i9100, and Galaxy Ace. All three were World phones and could be used in the US, yet weren’t sold in the states. This is of course good news for Samsung and now they get the chance to go on the offense after Apple’s portion has ended.

While this is, again, a good decision on their part, there are still quite a few phones that Apple says are infringing. Either way, Samsung now has the chance to present their case which should be wrapped up by Tuesday. So far, they’ve mostly been cross examining witnesses. Soon enough we’ll find out who the jury sides with and if Samsung will be walking away unscathed, or if Apple will be taking a lot of money to the bank.