Photos, we all love taking them right? Even though the cameras built in to our smartphones aren’t anywhere near their dedicated counterparts they’re slowly but surely getting there. Besides, you know what they say – “The best camera is the camera with you.” That seems to be no more true than it is today because, let’s face it, we all have a camera in our pocket these days. The sensors and the lenses might not be that powerful but today’s mobile software certainly is, it’s this software that can get you some really creative shots with just one device. Let’s go though the Top Ten of them shall we? Here we go with Android Headlines’ Top Ten Camera Apps for Android.
10. Fast Burst Camera
Not all of us have access to the Sense camera sweet from the One Series – even I don’t, I run stock on my One X, Seriously HTC what the fuck is that shit? – or the camera software from the new GSIII so, what do you do when you’re out of luck? You go and hit the Play Store of course. This app couldn’t be simpler, just frame the shot and hold down the button for numerous photos. Perfect for that in-action shot of your cat jumping after that ball, right?
9. GifBoom
Gifs. Who doesn’t love a good Gif every now and again? I love them and the idea of creating your own can be quite entertaining. Especially now that the camera is everywhere you go you could make a gif out of absolutely anything, just don’t make a gif out of a car crash – that’s not cool. The app also let’s you share gifs – another reason to not gif that car crash – so you can share your inner creativity with the world! Go on and give it a go, it’s seriously good fun.
8. Little Photo
You can say all you want about Instagram but, when done right, filters really can make photos look better. Not any photo mind you, you’ve got choose the right photo for the right filter. Not everything looks good in sepia, despite what the internet tells you. Give Little Photo a try and create better photos today. Also consider buying the paid version as well.
7. Multi-Lens Camera
Here’s an app that gets you creating on the go. You can take a number of different shots there and then and put them together on one photo to make a collage, photo strip or anything else. Perfect for times when you want to take photos of the same subject but you want them to be altogether on one photo instead of just one after other. You could make a photo-strip of your child’s first steps, for instance. A great little app.
Play Store Link
6. Silent Camera
Many of us that are running builds of CyanogenMod or other custom ROMs will be accustomed to being able to turn off the shutter sound however, nto everyone wants to go that route and I can’t blame them. So, if you want to have some fun with a silent camera. With this app you can enjoy a full camera experience without the hassle of the added shutter sound, including a burst mode. Be careful though as some people really won’t take kindly to secret photography but, I’m sure it’ll go down well with your friends.
5. Lomo Camera
If you’re somebody that – like me – has been into photography quite some time then you must’ve heard of the Lomo camera. Now, you can get some of the artsy effects offered by the camera on your Android phone. Once again though, filters won’t make for a good photo but, if you pick the right shot you can create some beautiful photos with a Lomo styled imaging.
5. Camera JB+
Sometimes all you want and all you need is some better tools to get the job done. Perhaps something you’re familiar with. This is the camera and gallery application from Jelly Bean for any device. Meaning you can swap out the hideous camera app that came with your phone for something a little more, classy. With all the features present – so long as your phone supports it – you can enjoy a better, cleaner camera with this great app.
4. Cartoon Camera
All these fancy technical camera apps and all the artsy fartsy filter apps are great but, what if you just want to have a little bit of fun. This will get you that little bit of fun by turning any photo you take into a stylized cartoon picture. It’s a great time killer and it’ll go down brilliantly with the kids! Perfect for when you’re stuck on the road for hours with “Are we there yet?” ringing in your ears.
3. Instagram
Okay, okay, I know some of you really don’t like Instagram but it’s one of the best camera apps out there if you want to share your photos with the wider world. It’s also the app that started off this whole craze of applying filters to photos. Of course, there are a whole host of iPhone users out there that don’t think Android should be part of the network so why don’t you get out there and show them that we know better. Just because we can.
2. Flickr
“Why is Flickr even in this list and at number 2, this guy crazy?!” I hear you say but, hear me out. People that won’t to take good photos and I mean technically good photos are using Flickr. If you’ve ever wanted to share some of your best shots with others then this is the app for you. With powerful camera phones like the new SIII and the One X you can almost start to rely on them to do all the work, making Flickr on the go a real possibility.
1. PRO HDR Camera
Having the right tools is one of the best things to get good results. Light is one of the most important tool. Being able to control the Dyanmic Range of light then, must present you with a magic wand. Whilst it doesn’t quite give you that this app will give you incredible control on the outcome of how a photo is going to look. Learn how to to use light to your advantage and you can make some stunning shots, no mater how good your phone’s camera is.
Don’t worry if you didn’t see your favourite photo editor here, we’ll be doing a list of photography apps as well!!