Featured: Top 10 Best Twitter Apps for Android – 8/12/12

If you’re somebody that spends more time with their Android smartphone than they do with the wife or family then not only are you a bad person but, you’re more than likely a Twitter addict. If you’re addicted to something then you’re also less likely to change your habits, which means changing how you get your Twitter fix is going to be hard. I’m nowehere near as active on Twitter as I’d like to be but I am active, perhaps my readers could help with that? Have no fear though, because here at Android Headlines we’re here to help and are going to let you know the Top 10 Twitter clients for Android.

10. TweetDeck for Android

A long time ago, when Android wasn’t quite the platform it was today, we were screaming for better Twitter clients. TweetDeck was one such client and, it eventually did come to Android and its still here. However, the app hasn’t been updated since last year and it doesn’t look like it will be. This doesn’t mean it’s a bad app though, it will plug in to Facebook as well. A solid app.

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9. TWIDROYD Pro for Twitter

Questionable naming aside, this offering from UberMedia is a solid one. With support for multiple accounts, custom notifications, landscape view as well as the coveted threaded view for mentions etc. The app, however, is quite pricey and there seem to be some issues using the app on Jelly Bean. It’s still a solid offering and if you’re still waiting for an update to Jelly Bean then you’ll be taken well care of here.

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8. Tweetcaster for Twitter

Whilst on the surface of things, Tweetcaster might not wow you however, the more you use it, the more you’ll like it. Support for all the usual stuff as well as an advanced search feature – handy if you have the whole world on Twitter. There’s a whole host of customisations that you can delve into as well, themes, color coding etc making this a capable client for your phone.

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7. Seesmic

A double hitter, Seesmic is great for those that want to deal with both Twitter and Facebook at the same time with very little fuss. The app might not be the best looking out there but it certainly has enough on offer to get you past that. There’s support for multiple accounts on Twitter and Facebook, as well as proper support for posting to Facebook as oppose to some other clients. You can cross-post to both or control how you interact with both. There are also a whole host of shortcuts on offer, great if you interact with most of your friends on Twitter mentions, the app will take you straight there from the home screen.

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6. Plume

Plume is one of my favorites and whilst it comes with some foibles, it’s an all rounded app that works well. You may remember an app called Toiteur well, Plume is what Touiteur became, besides it’s much easier to say this. The app has a tablet interface as well which is bound to please as there is one hell of a shortage on these apps. There’s a fully featured widget on offer here as well. It’s a good app and one definitely worth taking a look at.

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5. Twicca

There’s only so much spin you can put on the mobile Twitter client by now but, the folks behind Twicca have managed to produce a unique client that helps a lot. The idea here is to display the user the most amount of their timeline on the screen, which is perfect if you have can’t have access to your phone all day, come 5 o’clock you’ll have a lot to go through. Twicca can go a way to making this easier. As well as this, there are also the usual suspects here and best of all, it’s free!

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4. The Official Twitter Client for Android

Up until recently this was my main manner in which I interacted with Twitter.  I always wondered why people wanted to get away from the official Twitter client, I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed the experience on offer here. With a clean interface and a stable app, what more could you ask for? Well, for starters the timeline has no go to the top feature although it does always remember your positon. Also, try using the app with the Galaxy Nexus and then you’ll see some serious UI problems. Get beyond this however and you have yourself a fantastic client straight from the horse’s mouth.

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3. Falcon Widget for Twitter

I could well be cheating here with this one as it’s first and foremost a widget however, in many ways this is the perfect Twitter client. If you’re a heavy user – if you’ve gotten this far then you must be – you must have a Twitter widget on your home screen. Falcom will take care of all your writing, retweeting and replying rigth there and then and it will also provide notifications on top of this. There’s also the option to choose a Twitter app of your choice to launch from the widget.

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2. Boid for Twitter

If you were an early adopter of the Galaxy Nexus or a Nexus S user then you’ll have gotten ICS before most and you’ll also have noticed that apps still running the 2.3 look just didn’t cut it anymore. Here is where Boid comes in, it’s an app that is designed to look like any other Android 4.0 and above app, which means full Holo theming here folks. The app looks stunning and runs really nicely. Just what you want. The app is currently still in beta as such, bugs are to be expected.

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1. Tweedle for Twitter

My choice for the Top Spot here might be confusing to some of you but, whilst Tweedle is a very new app, it’s also what I consider to the best. I’ve been using it since release and I love it. With such a clean interface that blends in well with the Holo themes of Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich before it. There’s everything you expect from a Twitter app, with customisations here, it’s very fast and it’s constantly updated. The developers behind the app are very active and will reply to e-mails promptly. I’ve had no problem with the app and have been using Twitter much more as a result of such a clean experience. It’s free, with no ads and no hassle!

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