Verizon's Galaxy Gets Closer to Jelly Bean Update: Binaries Have Been Released!

How many of you who owned the Galaxy Nexus gleamed with excitement after the Google I/O conference? How many of you were SUPER glad you got a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and not some other device like the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx (No! I’m not dissing the Maxx! Settle down moto lovers). News of Jelly Bean and the Nexus made me overjoyed! Not to mention the Galaxy Nexus is the device that helped introduce Jelly Bean to us, it’s almost historical! That alone should make Galaxy Nexus owners stand tall and proud.

Since Jelly Bean has been released, those of us who are proud, yes, I said PROUD Gnex owners sit and wait patiently for our Jelly Bean update, which has been promised to us via the I/O Conference. Well Gnex lovers that time is getting a little bit closer! Binaries for build JRO03H of Jelly Bean were released last night. Oh boy!! That’s great news to hear!

Now for the bad news. Even though the time is getting closer for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, it still has to pass one evil hurdle, and it’s a BIG RED ONE! Yup, that’s right. It will still have to go through Verizon and be tested by them first before they decide its “acceptable” to run on their network. What a disappointment! Can you truly be surprised though? I mean it is Verizon, they like to make names for themselves when it comes to devices on their networks that’s for sure! If you all haven’t seen the latest news regarding Verizon and their plan to botch tethering, I suggest you check it out here. It’s about time Big Red had to pay for their selfishness!


So far, all Galaxy Nexus devices have seen some type of binary updates, all but one that is. The Sprint Galaxy Nexus has not seen such goodness yet.

Even though the newest update is on the grasp of our fingertips, there are plenty of options to get the update on your phone that is if you’re some type of phone or IT guru! I’ve had Jelly Bean on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus for about a month now so the news of the update is not as exciting as it will be for those who do not have the luxury that I have.  I still look to the future with excitement for those of you who are waiting patiently. Let us hope that Verizon does not take its sweet time giving us some Jelly Bean goodness!



Sources: Android and Me