Sponsored App Review: Coloring Weather Screen

Customization is one of the best things about Android and I’m sure it’s something a lot of you out there take very seriously, it’s the way we make our devices feel like they truly belong to us. There’s a great many ways in which you can customize your phone – from something as trivial as changing the wallpaper or trying out different widgets. If you know how you can go a lot further and apply whole system themes but, quite often these methods are a little extreme for some. Besides that, the home screen is where a lot of people spend their times. So, let’s take a look at an app that will completely revamp your homescreen!

Coloring Screen and Coloring Weather Screen come together to form one app. Coloring Screen is an application that allows you to change the color of your homescreen – no matter what wallpaper you have on there – to whatever color you want. Whether that be through presets or by manually tweaking it to your look. Perfect for those times when you want it a little brighter or darker but you have no clue how to edit photos. Coloring Weather Screen is the paid part of the app that brings with it further features such as weather directly affecting your homescreen with beautiful animations and colors based on the time of the day. You can take a look at the app here in the Play Store.  

How It Works: To get Coloring Screen up and running all you have to do is install the app from the Play Store, to access the Premium Content such as weather and time of day – you’ll want to install Coloring Weather Screen afterwards. As soon as you’ve done this just go ahead and load up the app. You’ll be asked to continue to a preview screen, which is where you’ll be able to change all manner of settings.

You can either choose an image from the included ones or pick any image at all from your collection to change its appearance.

You can choose from a number of different presets when it comes to colors and no matter what you choose you’ll get a pleasing result – you can even reverse the image and make it negative.

If you’ve chosen to install the premium content app, Coloring Weather Screen, you can access added features when applying a new wallpaper. For instance, I chose a grassy-hill image included with the app and applied time of day and weather to the wallpaper and it changed dramatically. Giving me a beautiful looking live weather wallpaper that runs really smoothly:

Customization is a big part of an Android users life these days in fact, it’s sometimes the reason people have swapped from the iPhone or a BlackBerry device. Being able to have a phone that nobody else has is a really nice feeling and doing so through the home page is the easiest way to achieve this because it ensures everyone will be able to experience this. I got a really good result without really doing a lot – making this perfect for those who might not know where to start. I’m certainly impressed with my new home screen.


  • Speed (4/5) – It’s super-easy to get set up and the wallpapers run super smooth with all the added features.
  • Features (5/5) – There’s so many options on offer here – perhaps more than you could conjure up on your own – making this perfect for those wanting to mix it up.
  • Theme (5/5) – Coloring Screen doesn’t really have a theme because it becomes your theme, you experiment with the app to deliver thousands of different combinations.
  • Overall (4/5) – This is a good app for those looking to mix it up on the homescreen and I’m sure many will put it to good use.


  • Massive amount of options to make the wallpaper truly your own.
  • The weather wallpapers look both dramatic and effective
  • Other apps have slow live wallpapers – here they run smoothly.


  • More added preset images would be good.

Conclusion: Coloring Screen and the added content from Coloring Weather Screen make for a compelling choice for anybody looking to increase the already vast customization options for Android. There’s a lot on offer and the results can be really dramatic after all, having a thunderstorm outside but a beautiful sunset on your phone could be the little warmth you need. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with the app and I’ll be keeping it on my home screen for some time I’m sure. If you haven’t done so already you can install the app here.