Featured: Cyanogenmod ditching ROM Manager and GooManager for their own OTA update system?

If you’re a user of CyanogenMod, then you know there are very frequent updates. Also known as ‘nightlies’. And getting the latest nightly can sometimes take awhile. Especially recently where Goo.im has been down quite a bit, so GooManager has also been down since it uses Goo.im. In upcoming builds of CyanogenMod you’ll be seeing this “CM Updater” app on your device, so don’t be alarmed about it.

The CM Updater is actually an old app that was used back in the days of CyanogenMod 5 and 6. The app has now been updated to work with CM9, 10 and beyond. CM Updater will not utilize Push Notifications to notify you of new builds, instead it will check hourly, daily or whatever you choose. It will also pull the update once it checks. Another important feature is the auto-backup of the existing ROM before an update is applied.

This is going to make updating CyanogenMod even easier. Also the updater will be pulling from get.cm so you’ll always be getting the latest official build of CM. Who out there is running CyanogenMod right now? I’ve got it running on my Nexus 7, in between different ROM reviews. It’s a great ROM, and if you don’t have it installed I suggest you do so.

Source:Android Police