Featured: Google Nexus 7 makes its way to South Korea

We found out earlier this week that Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt would be meeting with Samsung. But Eric Schmidt didn’t come to South Korea alone, he brought the Nexus 7 along for the ride. While the Nexus 7 is now available in South Korea, there is a bit of a price increase in the Asian part of the world.

The Nexus 7, 16GB version will be about 299,000 won or about US$ 268 in South Korea. The Japanese will be paying 19,800 yen or US$ 255 for the 16GB model. Those in Singapore will see the highest price, the 16GB model will sell for S$ 399, or US$ 325. So no $199 Nexus 7 for Asia, it’s a bit more.

With the Nexus 7 now hitting the Asian countries including South Korea, Japan, and Singapore, Android’s tablet market share will grow even more, and hopefully take down that fruity tablet made by a Cupertino, CA company. Any of our readers in South Korea, Singapore or Japan looking to pick up the Nexus 7? Let us know in the comments how you’re liking your new Nexus 7.

Source: Google (Korea)