Featured: Jelly Bean is now 1.2% of total Android web traffic, that's a lot of Nexus' and custom ROMs

So Android 4.1 – Jelly Bean was introduced at Google I/O this summer, and so far is only official available on Nexus devices including the Nexus 7, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S (4G). We know most people have Jelly Bean installed in form of custom ROM, including myself. That’s not a whole lot of people, compared to the number of active Android devices out there.

Today a new report came out showing that out of all the Android web traffic, about 1.2% of it is from Android 4.1. So it looks like Jelly Bean is slowly but surely getting on to more devices everyday. But the report also showed that Android 2.3 – Gingerbread is still dominating, and that OS is almost 2 years old now.

As much as we talk about fragmentation and try to come up with ways to fix it. It’ll always be around, no matter what OS it is. Every OS has fragmentation, it happens when newer devices with newer hardware come out. There’s really no way to avoid it.

So who out there is running Jelly Bean? How are you running it, official, unofficial? Let us know in the comments.

Source: The Next Web, Gigaom