It’s always exciting when a device starts getting Leaked versions of an upcoming update. Especially when it’s a new version of Android. Lately all we’ve seen are Jelly Bean leaks for the T-Mobile Galaxy S3. But today, something popped up that caught our eye. The Sprint version of the Samsung Galaxy S3 get’s a leak and it’s a pre-rooted Jelly Bean leak. XDA Recognized Developer freeza shared the goods over on XDA’s forums, and they also added a few things to the leaked ROM:
- Added Jelly Bean boot animation
- Modified kernel to adb shell @ root, bootanimation support, and a few other tweaks.
- Fixed root.
There are odexed and deodexed versions of this leak both available at the original thread. So far, according to users, the leak seems very stable. Only a few minor issues have been reported, including some problems with MMS. I’m willing to bet that freeza will have these minor issues fixed soon, as I’m sure he’s working on them.
Hopefully we’ll see a Jelly Bean OTA very soon for all the US Samsung Galaxy S3’s, but I’m sure the Verizon version won’t be available until next year. Check out the original thread on XDA for all the information.