Featured: New Melt resistant Jelly Bean Statue arrives at Google's Building 44

You may remember back in July, shortly after Jellybean was announced, that the Jellybean statue on Google’s lawn actually melted. Yeah it get’s pretty hot in California evidently. In fact someone stole a Jellybean after the statue melted. Dan Morrill promised a fix, and today it arrived. Google’s building 44, which houses the Android team, now has a new and redesigned Jellybean statue. Complete with a melt resistant face. To sit along side the rest of the Android desserts including Ice Cream Sandwich, Gingerbread, Froyo, Eclair, Donut and Cupcake.

I actually like the new redesigned Jellybean statue better than the old one. Check out the picture above and let us know if you like the older statue or the new, redesigned Jellybean statue.

Source:+Hugo Barra, +Dan Morrill