Featured: Samsung Will Sue Apple Over 4G LTE In The iPhone 5 Confirms Rep

Samsung had a bit of a rough month in August after going up against Apple in court over alleged patent infringement. While they ended up being ordered to pay a little over $1 Billion to the tech giant, at least they did get some good news in regards to the success of the Galaxy S III. In just 100 days, the Galaxy S III sold over 20 Million units worldwide.

Now, Samsung is looking to get back at Apple with their upcoming iPhone 5 which will be talked about on stage in just two days. What’s the problem with the iPhone 5 exactly? 4G LTE and Samsung holds patents relating to 4G LTE connectivity. A Senior Samsung Executive confirmed this today and there was talk about Samsung going after Apple over this, but now it’s etched in stone for sure.

As far as Samsung winning their case and getting the iPhone 5 banned for import, it’s definitely going to be a tough one. As we all know, Apple is no slouch when it comes to patents and they just so happen to own a whopping 434 LTE based patents. Some of the patents came from a company called Nortel which was a leader in helping develop LTE. That alone is enough to cause some concern in Samsung’s case.

There’s no word on exactly when Samsung plans on bringing their patent infringement dispute forward, but they’ve definitely got it started and Apple’s event come September 12th could have some question marks raised by industry leaders, possibly even consumers until they’re mesmerized by the words magical, revolutionary, and breakthrough.