Featured: So where's that Verizon Galaxy Note 2? It's here with that carrier branded home button

Since the Galaxy Note 2 was announced in Berlin at the end of last month we’ve seen plenty of leaks and rumors regarding what carriers it’ll be available on. All the leaks were pointing to a universal release similar to what Samsung did with the Galaxy S3 back in June. But the one interesting thing we heard about the Verizon Galaxy Note 2 was that the Home button would be carrier branded. As you can see in the pictures below, it is indeed branded with Verizon’s logo on the home button.

So I guess this really confirms that the Galaxy Note 2 will be available on Verizon, the question is when. We still have not heard anything official from Samsung or any carriers about release dates. But we are expecting them soon. I know I can’t wait to get my hands on the 5.5″ Galaxy Note 2.

Anyone upset with the extra Verizon logo on the Galaxy Note 2? Wasn’t the Verizon logo on the back enough to remind everyone who their smartphone/tablet hybrid device is from? What are your thoughts on this, let us know in the comments below.