Featured: Unofficial CM10 Downloader Available Now

The Android ecosystem has come a long way from the days of the HTC G1.  If you can remember that, then you can remember when the first CyanogenMod Rom was released almost 4 years ago.  Those were the good old days.

Now fast forward to the fall of 2012, and the dozens upon dozens of Android handsets and tablets that have come and gone.  Some are still with us, and some are resting peacefully in our junk drawer.  Regardless of their current state, at one time or another those Android devices probably ran some kind custom Rom, most likely a CyanogenMod build.

But with more and more devices, and more and more CyanogenMod builds being released sometimes on a nightly basis, it can be hard to keep up with the latest and greatest.   If you’re a flashaholic or just loyal CyanogenMod user, then the unofficial CM10 Downloader might be just what the doctor ordered.

The CM10 Downloader is unofficial app that makes downloading nightlies, release candidates or whatever a whole heck of a lot easier.  It’s a pretty basic app.  The automatically recognizes your device and the build you are running and checks it against correct repository.  If you device has new build of any kind the app will download it and notify you of the release.  Here is quick rundown of the unofficial CM10 Downloader features.

Recognizes your device and your build and advises you when there is a recent version 
-Changelog of new build
-Changelog of the next build
-Scheduling daily “check & download” of new build
-Force Download on Wi-Fi in the settings
-Link for downloading Gapps in the settings
-Localized in English, Italian, French.

If you haven’t already guessed the app was created by XDA member, by the name Mark2dp.  The official XDA thread can be found here, and the app can be found for free on the Google Play Store.  Just make sure that your device is running Android 4.0 or higher and rooted.  Happy flashing!

Via: Google Play Store