Halloween is fast approaching and whilst I’m sure many of you are getting ready to hit a cool party or go trick-or-treating with the kids there’s always time to have fun with an app or two. Ever since the smartphone became a permanent addition of our daily lives we’ve been using them for pranks or just a little bit of fun. With Scare Cauldron you can perhaps do both, you can scare a co-worker with some freaky sounds and you can also have a little fun yourself!
The app is a fun little way to celebrate Halloween from the comfort of your smartphone. All you have to do is drag and drop the various sounds from the time and throw ’em in the pot. Then hit the haunt button on the right and listen to all the sounds mix together.
It’s a pretty neat idea and when you think about it, sure sounds like a lot of fun. The sounds are pretty high quality as well so your zombie noises are and authentic. There’s not a lot to the app but, that’s a good thing, it’s a quick-hit of fun that’s perfect for Halloween or whenever you get together and watch some scary movies with friends.
Whilst this might not be for everybody there is a lot to love, it’s a charming app that’s well done and even though it’s ad-supported they’re by no means rammed down your throat, making the purchase to get rid of apps that much easier to decide upon.
Should You Get It: This is a brilliant game that the kids and the adults are all going to love alike and it’s something that can be played by anyone, it’s simple enough and serves it’s purpose well, something for Halloween and for long after that. If you’re into spooky stuff or have some easily spooked friends, this could be a lot of fun.