For those of you with the AT&T HTC One X (a.k.a. the One XL) and are currently on firmware version 2.2 you can now root your One X. So now you are able to resume your ROM flashing. Thanks to XDA forums member djrbliss who discovered the exploit. He was able to also crack open that locked bootloader, that AT&T doesn’t want unlocked.
But it is still impossible to have “permanent root” on 2.2, you should wait before another OTA comes out to update. As it might patch this exploit found. We’ve got the instructions below for you from the XDA thread:
1. Download the exploit from: Extract the entire zip file.
3. Connect your device via USB, ensure you have the latest HTC USB drivers installed, and ensure USB debugging mode is enabled.
4. Double-click “run.bat”.
5. Follow the instructions printed by the exploit. You will need to authorize two backup restorations during the exploit’s execution.
6. If the exploit is successful, it will print “[+] Set CID!”. If it does not print this, the exploit has failed, so please do not continue.
7. The exploit will automatically reboot into bootloader mode. Press enter after bootloader mode is finished booting, and the exploit will print your CID. If the exploit was successful, it should return “11111111” as your CID.
8. If your CID was successfully set, press enter to generate an unlock token.
9. Visit, navigate to the “Bootloader unlock” section, choose “All other supported models” from the drop-down menu, and provide the unlock token when asked.
10. After unlocking the bootloader, you can flash a custom recovery partition via fastboot, boot into recovery mode, and use a recovery ADB shell or install from an to install Superuser and su (I do not provide support for custom recoveries, but this is a straightforward process that other people can help with).
Any of our AT&T One X users ready to root and start flashing again? Hit up the comments with the ROM you plan on flashing.
Source: XDA