For technology to become truly successful it has come to down to meet all price points, this is something that’s true of all technology and Google and ASUS all but proved this when it came to the Nexus 7. Bring technology down to meet those who either don’t have a lot of money to spend on technology or just don’t want to and you can have a successful product. Other manufacturers that have traditionally owned the low-end tablet market have struggled to get a look in since the launch of the Nexus 7, after all a Tegra 3, high-resolution and Nexus support is well worth $199.
There’s word now though, that Best Buy will be stocking an intriguing attempt into the mid-to-low area of the tablet market with the Insignia Flex. The Flex is a tablet packing a 9.7″ screen – of undisclosed resolution but, expect 1024×768 – a dual-core 1Ghz processor and presumably 1GB of RAM. That’s all we know right now which is disappointing but, it si coming to Best Buy so I doubt they’d be willing to put a poor quality product onto their shelves. Depending on how much this will cost this could gain some traction towards Christmas with companies trying to sell tablets to absolutely everyone.
I, personally, love the 9.7″ form factor and whilst I’m not a huge fan of the 4:3 ratio it’s nice for reading and web browsing as well as most games. I’m still using my HP touchpad in part due to the brilliant accessories for it as well as the wonderful IPS display. Whilst the resolution isn’t all that great for what I paid for it, it’s brilliant and this is what the Insignia Flex needs to be, something that is great value but also a great product.