Featured: CyanogenMod 10 M2 Builds, Get Them While They're Hot!


Last month CyanogenMod announced something new, that was the release of ‘M’ builds. Now they still have not clarified if these are monthly, milestone, or what the heck the M stands for. We’re are going to assume Monthly Milestone builds. These builds are said to be a bit more stable then the nightlies we are all very familiar with. This morning the ROM builder started rolling out M2 builds of CyanogenMod 10 for all the devices that currently have a CM10 build.

Starting with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (unlocked GSM, Verizon and Sprint variants), the Samsung Galaxy S3, and S2 variants, all others should see M2 builds before the end of the day. It’s easy to update to M2 as well. If you are already running CyanogenMod 10, and it’s one of the newer nightlies from within the past week or so, you’ll have CM Updater. You can access CM Updater by going to Settings, About Phone, CyanogenMod Updates. Just select the refresh button if it already doesn’t see a new build, then start the download. Once downloaded, reboot into recovery and flash it like any other ROM along with gapps and your favorite kernel if you flash those, but you don’t need to wipe data. Just hit Advanced and Wipe Dalvik Cache, and reboot.

Anyone notice any differences between M2 and their latest nightly, probably from yesterday? Hit up the comments and let us know.
