Halloween is very nearly upon us and whilst I’m sure that some of you will be readying the candy for the kids of the neighborhood many of us will be seeing what the Play Store has to offer us when it comes to games. There’s a lot on offer, just as there is every year and some of the easiest games to play are the most pleasing. Today, we have an easy to play, hard to master game perfect for Halloween in the form of Spiders. Yes, the very things you all love to hate!
Description: There isn’t much to say about Spiders, which certainly isn’t a bad thing – it’s a great pick-up and play game. The aim of the game is kill a lot of spiders and parents will be happy to know that the game isn’t gory or anything so, the kids are more than welcome to join in! You’ll be put up against a whole swarm of Spiders and you’ve got to take as many of them down as you can before they overrun you. If you want a quick hit of the game plays then take a look at the video below:
How it Works:It’s super easy to get it up and running, all you have to do is to go and download it from the Play Store and away you go!
Once you start playing the game all you have to do is to tap the spiders to sort of knock them dead. This seems simple enough and the game certainly starts out like that.
However, after a little while the spiders start to come thick and fast until they become a little too much to handle:
After a time there will be too many spiders for you to handle and at this point they’ll overrun the screen and that’s it game over!
Opinion: Whilst there isn’t a whole lot of gameplay going on here there is certainly a lot of charm. It’s easy to get up and running with the game but it’s certainly quite difficult to stay afloat where there a whole hoard of spiders running toward you. The music in Spiders plays a big role too, adding just enough creepiness to the whole thing to make this game perfect.
- Speed (4/5) – Spiders is easy to get going with and once you’re stuck in it can get quite hectic indeed.
- Features (3/5) – It’s basically the same over and over again but, it’s a seriously addictive mechanic that will have you playing over and over again.
- Theme (4/5) – As simple games go, these spiders move pretty well, they’re actually pretty creepy!
- Overall (4/5) – The game mechanic on offer here might be simple but, that doesn’t make it any less appealing, gameplay is fun and will have you playing for hours and hours.
- Spiders move with authentic creepiness for maximum effect.
- Creepy music certainly fits the bill.
- Game runs great on all device, small or large!
- An extra game mode or something else would be most welcome.
- When the game gets hard, it gets hard.
Conclusion: Whether or not you’re looking for a scary game or just something nice and easy to play with little fuss then this is a great app to consider. Whilst the gameplay might seem tiresome and simple, it really isn’t and it’s great for quick games when on the bus or waiting for the train. Each time you play the game you’ll be wanting to best your last high score and when you find out that you can’t, you’ll get mad. This will lead you to spend a whole lot of time with this game!