Featured: Google Play Carrier Billing making it's Way to Verizon Wireless Customers?

According to an image that Droid-Life got their hands on, it looks like Google Play Carrier Billing is coming to Verizon on October 18th. That’s also the same day that the Droid Razr HD and Droid Razr Maxx HD become available on Big Red. So what exactly is carrier billing from Google Play? Well it allows you to buy up to $25 per month in apps, Movies, TV Shows, and Music and charge it to your monthly bill from your carrier. Currently AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint here in the US all have Carrier billing in the Play Store. You can check out the full list from this support page for the Play Store.

The $25 per month limit is mostly likely a recurring limit, and not $25 for the lifetime of your account on that particular carrier. So you wouldn’t be able to purchase a Nexus 7 and bill it to your Verizon account. Either way this brings in more ways for Verizon customers to spend more money in the Play Store, which is exactly what Google wants.

It’s not official yet, but we’ll see on Friday if an official announcement comes out. As we always do, we’ll keep you updated. Anyone on Verizon excited?
