It’s that time of year again. Time for us to flood you with a bunch of numbers that you probably don’t know what they mean. The third quarter has ended, so you’ll be hearing and reading about plenty of earning’s calls from companies. On October 18th, we will hear from the mighty Google. Maybe they will finally tell us how many Nexus 7’s they sold so far? Even if they don’t we know it’s a big number.
We’ll be sure to keep you up-to-date on all the news from Google’s Earning Call. Sometimes we get some big announcements in these earning calls but not usually. One of Sprint’s more recent earnings calls, the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE slipped out by Sprint CEO Dan Hesse. Which forced Sprint’s Public Relations department to release press releases very quickly for the device. So perhaps some hints about the next Nexus or Android 4.2 might get dropped?We’ll have to wait and see.