Featured: LG Releases Jelly Bean Update Roadmap for Few Devices

Whilst we might be hearing a whole lot about a certain LG phone running a build of  “full Jelly Bean” however there’s no official word come out of LG themselves, regarding the update for some of their phones already on the market. However, in true LG fashion, the list isn’t quite complete and their are a few devices still missing from that list. Also, the time frame is a little worrying considering that any device that is capable of running Ice Cream Sandwich can and should be updated to Jelly Bean already by now.

The list is hardly comprehensive but we’ve got some of the devices below for you:

  • LG’s Optimus LTE II will be getting Jelly Bean and updates to make it more like the Optimus G
  • The Optimus Vu and the Vu II will see an update in Q1 2013
  • Optimus G should be receiving the update to Jelly Bean in December of this year but, don’t hold your breath.

It’s a strange and woefully short list to be sure but, this is to be expected of LG by now. The LG Optimus Vu is available here, as Verizon’s Intuition but, I highly doubt that device will ever see an update, especially when you take into account Verizon’s poor track record. It’s perhaps worrying to see LG struggle to update new and old devices to Jelly Bean in a quick fashion, to see the Vu and the Vu II have to wait until Q1 next year – which could mean as late as March – is very disappointing. If it’s going to take the company this long to release updates in their home turf, it looks like 2013 could be just as bad a year for updates as 2012 was for LG owners.

[Source: LG]