Featured: Motorola Finally Rolls Out ICS Update for DROID Bionic

Motorola has sent out emails to the participants of DROID Bionic ICS update soak test informing them that the results for the test were highly positive thus Motorola decided to roll out the ICS update for more users of the DROID Bionic. The update is now available for all Bionic owners, even though the update is out in phases so don’t get worried if it isn’t available on your device yet, it takes a little time to get to all devices.

The last couple of days were the testing phase for Bionic’s ICS update, both Motorola and Verizon were making sure that the update is bug-free and provides the smooth experience of Ice Cream Sandwich on the Bionic –  that has been stuck on Gingerbread for more than a year now. It seems like that Verizon has come up with a new way to roll out updates, first they announce the update for a device, roll out the soak test and if everything goes as expected update the device, officially.

So, if you own a DROID Bionic or know someone who does then go ahead and download the update Over-The-Air by going into Settings>About>Software Updates. It should be available and ready to download and install. Looks like Motorola is finally delivering on the promise made by their CEO regarding the DROID Bionic and its software updates.

Have you received the update yet? Do you even own a DROID Bionic?