Featured: Need For Speed Most Wanted Escaping To Google Play

Need for Speed is iconic. Most of you have heard of it. Multiple versions of the game franchise across numerous platforms, including android. The latest in the franchise from EA in the way of mobile is Need For Speed Most Wanted. And it’s coming to the Play Store this month. Are you all ready for some takedowns while trying to escape the cops? I know I am. Nothing like the rush of a police chase while you’re driving in a highly priced vehicle to escape. You can expect to see your favorites from high end manufacturers like Maserati, Porsche and Ferrari as well as some cars from Dodge and Ford and the like. Those of you familiar with the Real Racing franchise that has been on Google Play for some time now might know that Fire monkeys who is part of that development team is also behind Most Wanted so we can expect it to play well and look amazing. The video already does a very good job of showcasing some of the games graphics and high energy gameplay.

Already just looking at a couple of screenshots and watching the trailer and I am thoroughly excited for this game to hit the play store. Unfortunately EA has decided not to give out any details about the games price as of yet, but that’s no matter. We can more than likely expect it to be along the same line as any of their other quality triple AAA titles and be adorned with a $6.99 setback. Not too bad for a game that looks like this one. If you are eagerly awaiting this drop, hit up the comments below and let us know. I am a longtime fan of most of the Need for Speed titles, so I will most likely check this one out. I just hope it has gamepad support. Now a days it’d be stupid not to. What do you guys think out there?