Featured: Record Android Sales for AT&T in Q3

AT&T released a very upbeat Q3 earnings report this morning, citing increases in multiple revenue streams and a positive outlook for U.S. smartphone sales. Android devices had a record breaking quarter, though the sales leader continued to be the iPhone. In total, AT&T now has 44.5 million smartphone users, up 1.4 million from last quarter according to the report.

Other notable gains for the company include an increase of 6.6 percent in wireless revenue and an increase of 18.3 percent growth in wireless data revenues, an increase of over $1 billion compared to Q3 last year. The ever increasing revenues generated from wireless data fall in line with the move by the majority of customers to smartphones with always active data connections and an increased demand for data capable tablets.

Overall, Q3 was very positive for AT&T and they continue to see strong growth in multiple divisions. You can read the full release here, but keep in mind the big announcements are in the opening section. Below is a video released by AT&T featuring their CEO of Mobility, Ralph de la Vega, explaining the highlights:


Source: AT&T