Featured: Samsung Airs new Galaxy S3 TV Ads, Continuing to Take Stabs at Apple

It seems like Samsung always pushes out new commercials for their high-end devices around the time Apple releases or announces a new product. Last month Samsung released a couple new ads when Apple announced and released it’s iPhone 5, with their disastrous maps app. In those ads Samsung was poking fun at Apple adding half an inch to the iPhone, which is still kind of funny. But Samsung has just released three more commercials to poke fun at Apple users.

The three new commercials are posted on Samsung USA’s YouTube channel, they are also embedded below for your enjoyment.

Date Night


Work Trip


Game On


The slogan for the Galaxy S3 is still the same, “The next big thing is already here.” Which is true, but this time it’s the Galaxy Note 2. It would be interesting to see Samsung post some ads for the Galaxy Note 2 comparing it to the iPad Mini, “but it has a lightning port!” it would be pretty funny in my opinion. What do you think?
